Thursday, September 27, 2012

First Impressions: True or False?

When you look  at this picture, what do you see?
  • A freaking  lazy black guy living in a ghetto ?
  • Someone smoking Ganja on the corner?
  • A highschool drop-out trouble-makers?

Now, Look at this picture:

            When you see me with my wife and son, you that I am husband, father - a part of a family. 

You saw two picutres, both of me, but each picture brought up a different set of judments. Isn't it  amazing how perception works ? Perception is a process of making sense of everything. It is also the way you describe ,judge or experience someone or some thing, depending on your life experience and your culture
People make judments of you as soon as they look at you, just as someone might have done when looking at my pictures.

Viewers perceptions of me changed because seeing me with a familly brings up different sets of assessments. But perception is also affected by physical appearance. For many black women, perception is shaped by their hair.

Listen to this Video " I am not my Hair"

Does the way someone makes his/her hair make him/her a better person ? 
Does the way someone dress  change his/her personality?
I don't think  so,  Your Identity  shape by others perception  but yourself never change.
You are  who  you  are.



Support is highy important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

                                  Support highly important!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the retreat with the TELA -The Exponential Learning Academy, a learning community that focuses on the African American-students in professor Janelle's house, my professor  commanded me and my classmates to lie on our backs in the hot sun, arms outstretched.What is going?

We were sweating in the sun, looking at each other.It is impossible! My legs trembled as i reached across the hot pavements. Students sweaty arms supported my waist and legs.I thought I'd fall down. They were screaming you can do it! Go go...,we get you. I never have had classmates clutching my thighs and feet.Why I am here? I felt I wanted help. I asked for help. I could not get any further. I did not get any.Why....?

Ask specific where or and how you want help .It is extremely important to specify your need, where and how do you want help.One of my classmates,peter,wanted help,.. He asked me for help,how clearer he was,the better I was able to help him. I think should  support each other.